
My partner and I created PROJECT: RELIEVE (Relieving Easing Life Improving Electronic Vapor Emitter).

3D modeled case ~ We created a case that was both small and efficient for what we planned on achieving. We had 3 different parts to our case. The top allowed ventilation for the Raspberry Pi 3 so that it would not overheat during use. Then we had the bottom for holding the three different diffusers and the relay. The bottom also had a unique mold in the middle to make sure the wires going to the diffusers could fit under the speaker. Lastly, there was the middle part which had a holder for the Raspberry Pi 3 and the bluetooth speaker.

Diffusers ~ We used old spray cans as the basis for our diffusers. Cotton balls infused with drops from the scents were put around a copper wire that was connected to a relay. This relay was then connected to the Raspberry Pi 3 which controlled when the wire would heat up and then the liquidy cotton would emit the smells. We cut off the top and the bottom of a spray can and used that to hold the cotton ball and wire and then cut out a little side for the wire to come out.

App ~ We created an app that people could connect to straight from the Raspberry Pi 3. This was where people could choose which of the three different styles they wanted. There was creative, sad, and tired. Once selected, the diffusers and the speaker would team up to produce smells and sounds researched to provide what the client had desired.