This represents a working version of the Automation AI feature where the asteroids game learns to play itself.
In 1979, Atari would create their most successful game of all time, Asteroids. A two-dimensional space shooter loosely based on what is argued to be the world's first video game, Space War by Steve 'Slug' Russell from MIT written on the famed PDP-1 computer.
This represents a working version of the Automation AI feature where the asteroids game learns to play itself.
This game includes a start and end screen as well as a free life when there is only one life left. The graphics for when the asteroid breaks into smaller asteroids is different.
Asteroids game with improved graphics, mouse controls, and powerups.
Asteroids, but with new features and a home menu. Select from pre made modes, or go with the custom mode to change up your Asteroids experience.
"Controlled Crazy, Monstrous Manina, and absolute Animosity"
Asteroids, Avoid them like the plague.
An asteroids clone with a stylish addition- destroying asteroids in quick succession gives a score multiplier and additional lasers to be fired from the ship.
Try this big screen computer vs human version of Asteroids. Fight for all the points and get cool temporary upgrades such as burst shots, slower asteroids, invincibility, and extra lives.
"Retro-Aestroids with a twist?"
"Asteroids but with a twist"
2 Player Asteroids Ship 1 is WAD and space bar, Ship 2 is arrow keys and NumPad 0. Don’t shoot the red asteroids, you lose will points.Shoot yellow asteroids to make you faster.
After round 10, at intervals of 5, you get an extra life, and some asteroids that you shoot, will decrease your speed for that round.
The automated ship flies around the screen destroying asteroids, and the player can start playing at any time by pressing the keyboard. Sometimes the automated ship comes back to help.
"Rocks: Open Source Asteroids -- Be able to toggle the music, invincibility, and more!"
Asteroids but with a little seasoning.